On average, a small business owner works a minimum of 50 hours each week. Do you work this much? You can lessen the time you spend managing your business by using some of these apps, so you have more time to enjoy life. Use Skyscanner If you travel for...
The first thing customers see is not the product, they see your platform. They’re looking for a solution to their problem, and you’re there to provide it. You need to hold their attention long enough to tell them that you can provide what they’re after. UI...
Every week there seems to be a new business intelligence tool, promoting cutting edge AI or powerful analytics capabilities. Any business owner will have encountered many of them, whether you are actively looking for them or not. You should be taking advantage of this...
The current economic market is presenting unstable conditions for many industries. Undoubtedly, business intelligence tools and analytics are proving to be vital, providing key insights and keeping businesses ahead during this turbulent time. Business intelligence...
The design of custom-developed applications can enhance a company’s specific style of workflow. User experience and user interfaces have a direct impact on this. Fewer clicks and seconds saved add up over time, and aspects developed to automate certain tasks...
App development has shown it’s an invaluable tool for businesses to solve problems and provide value to customers. So, here are some things that you should know about automation, apps, and .NET. Automation Mundane and repetitive tasks are a thing...