Making Your Website Experience More User-Friendly
It’s imperative to have a website for your business. Whatever your line of work a website is often the first interaction with your business a user will have. It helps you have an online presence and provides you the ability to reach customers globally. But a website can be a hindrance as it can be a benefit if not monitored correctly.
There are signs that you might need to think about how user friendly your website is. High bounce rate, low number of sessions that convert or overall performance is not where you want it to be. If you notice these then it’s time to consider these tips on improving your website experience.
Optimize For Mobile
Ensuring your website is responsive for all mobile devices is one of the most critical aspects. This survey showed nearly 50% of people said they spent 5 – 6 hours on their mobile devices, a further 22% said 3 – 4. This is an astounding number and shows how important it is to have a responsive website that adapts for mobile devices.
What does a user want to see? Don’t use stock images on the main page, invest in a graphic designer or photographer for professional looking content. Research current trends and collaborate with a company who understands UX, typography and usability. Tailor a layout to suit your audience, a good UI is the key for providing a user friendly website. Search Functionality
This is one of those very simple aspects that sometimes gets overlooked. It’s not only useful for stores, companies providing services or information can benefit from this feature. Half of your visitors are likely to use the search feature and are 200% more likely to convert.
Speed it up
Visitors are becoming ever more impatient. This is due to expectation, and we are used to having everything on demand. It’s important to test the time it takes for your website to load, this can be done by using emulators and other tools. One recommendation we have is to use compressed versions of HTML, CSS and especially JavaScript files. Another main cause is image sizes, look into how large images are on your site and see if they can be optimized.
Provide as Much Information as Possible
This can take time to do if your site is filled manually. But it is worth it, this works hand in hand with the search feature. Visitors are often looking for something specific, providing all the information they need and more is crucial and directly affects conversions. Software specs plus hardware requirements, product descriptions with a handy how to use on the site are all great examples to help people decide to convert.
Make Contact Accessible
Make contacting you easy, people are becoming less inclined to pick up a phone and call. You need to show you are available to be contacted in whatever way they find most convenient. Phone number, address, live chat, email, on site chat, call backs and of course social media. This can help give people confidence in your product or services, knowing there is a real person behind the business.
Listen to Your Users
The final tip is to listen. You can capitalize on the fact that people like to convey their bad experience more than a good one. Take the chance to ask visitors in a non obtrusive way what their experience was, and if they had any suggestions. This is invaluable, you are getting feedback directly from the people you are trying to please.
If you need any web app development done, contact us at Axis Software Dynamics today. We want to help your website experience to be the best it can be.