Do Your Employees Need Better Workflow? 3 Ways Desktop Apps Can Help


Improve Employee Workflow with Desktop Apps

There are numerous applications we use everyday, and working from home for many of us has increased this number. Why do I need a custom desktop application for my business? I have software from many companies that already perform most of the tasks needed. This is the problem, switching between apps is killing workflow.

Do your employees need better workflow? Note all of the applications your employees use, write down the tasks required to be performed. The list might never end, and this is where we see the ways desktop apps can help.

Collaboration and Communication

Waiting for responses from others or menial tasks to be completed is a critical topic that affects workflow and progress. A leading issue expressed by employees is collaboration and communication. Employees don’t want to waste time emailing someone just to nudge them to finish off a task. It can also take a while for a response to be sent or be perceived as nagging by the recipient.

Desktop applications provide functionality that offer convenient and effective ways to submit comments or chat with coworkers. For example, a feature that can appoint groups or single persons to tasks for them to act upon. Workflow is greatly increased by offering a prioritized list for a project, giving direction and eliminating the need to come out of the application or dig through emails.

Reports Reports Reports

Creating detailed reports can eat away at our time and disrupt workflow. For example, focusing on combining information from multiple sources can lead to human error or vital parts missed out.

A solution like a desktop application can make creating reports simple, leading to improved employee workflow over time. For instance, combining information which is indexable within the application itself, and gives direct notifications to the included parties. This streamlines workflow by making reports trivial. Created with just a few clicks, they can solve the issue of being lost in emails or having to be hard copies for review.

Custom Solutions

Having applications perform individual tasks might seem optimal, but switching between apps is wasting time. Investing in an optimized custom UI and UX helps by displaying only the information they need to maximize productivity. No unused features, no unnecessary banners occupying space, just a clean layout perfect for workflow.

Custom desktop applications put all essential tasks together in one place. Tasks which might be niche to your business and workflow can be tailored into the application as well. An added benefit of desktop apps is they have the ability to allow work offline without internet. This in turn does not disrupt employee workflow.

Why Invest?

Custom desktop applications are here to stay; they have a firm place in our working lives. Especially since working from home has become very popular. Investing in one for your team’s needs can be quite beneficial. Even if it means no more tabbing between other applications, just a few seconds saved here and there mounts up to hours or even days lost.

At Axis Software Dynamics, we want to help streamline your teams workflow. Contact us to find out how many hours you could save with our custom desktop applications. So, reinvest that time into achieving more with your business today!
